Quite a few months ago Bruise were approached by Barnet Acoustic Club to appear as a guest at their monthly open mic night. There was something apologetic in their tone, possibly because they are a charity and the nights are run to raise funds which means not much in the way of a fee. We had a look at the Bruise diary and we were free. Every once in a while it’s good for the soul to do something for practically nothing, just to support a venue like that and we are really glad that we did. Apart from the diverse and enthusiastic floor spots there was a joyful house band (featuring some wonderful harp playing and a stunning sax/clarinet amongst other fine instrumentalists) all set in a beautiful converted warehouse. We played Girls Best Friend & Silvertown in the first half, Jim’s radio mic was low on battery and finally gave up part way through Silvertown so we stepped back from the microphones and sang the rest of the song into the room. We’re getting quite accustomed to unamplified singing and the acoustics here were beautiful. After a healthy second half showing from the regular attendees Jim and I took to the stage for a short 4 song set. We gave them ‘Don’t Make Me Wait’ ‘Someone Else’s Garden’ ‘Stranger in You’ and ‘Maybes’. In return they gave us such a round of applause and many, many warm handshakes, and we left knowing it was a good thing we had done.
Sunday saw Bruise electric three piece at The Hob (LOVE IT) in Forrest Hill in aid of The Hope Festival (Double Love It). We were booked for 5.30 then over the last couple of weeks we’d been moved up and up the bill until we settled on 9.30 kick off. Lovely for us: not so lovely for the chaps who had turned up to see us play at 5.30 but they were good humored about it, thank you chaps! Mr Ed behind the desk creating a beautiful atmosphere for us, Jim, Bob and myself heads down getting everything in place as we set up then we opened with ‘Excuse Me’ and let go. What an opportunity and what a reception, I don’t know what’s happened to audiences lately but they are a more passionate, louder, shoutier, singier, dancier group of people than they have ever been before and I LOVE IT. We kept the tempo up for most of the set, everywhere I looked there was smiling, foot tapping, nodding and knee slapping, very nice for me, very nice. Thank you all who came along to support us and The Hope Festival, here’s a link to their website http://www.hopefestival.co.uk
After a weekend of charitable works and good deeds we are excited about what is coming up, we’d love to see you at a gig, we’d love you to visit our new website www.bruiseuk.com HURRAH!
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