Bruise “Little Victories” Review
By Ashley L. Pieciak
We’ve often heard before, what’s in a name? I’ll be the first to admit I have judged a band by its name and when I first received this album to review I was expecting something along the lines of face melting metal. Which is why I was shocked when the music coming out was as far from metal as one could get.
That doesn’t mean that I don’t love this band. I am enthralled by the gentle melodies and soothing quality of the vocals. This is just the type of music I love having in the background when I’m relaxing and it’s not often I get to do that so it’s even more special that the music actually helps me to relax and focus on the task at hand. I’ll even find myself zoning out to the music and just…being.
With some bands you have a favorite song, one you listen to over and over again, and Bruise is no exception. While I really like all of their songs off of this album, my favorite is Jennifer. It’s the most upbeat song on the album and I love the unexpected change in tempo. This whole album is worth listening to over and over again. To say that it has a special place on my iPod is saying quite a bit because I only put the music I really LOVE on there.
I am very lucky to have been given the chance to hear their music. This is one of those bands that my friends haven’t heard of yet and I know that when they do they’re going to love Bruise too. I really appreciate the fact that this band is basically just two people making music and enjoying the ride that comes with it. I’ve said this before, and every time I mean it from the bottom of my heart, if you’re not enjoying what you’re doing everything suffers. You can’t set out making music simply to make money, because if the money doesn’t come you’re going to be upset and the music will show that. The members of Bruise are making music and loving every (well almost every) second of it, just for the pure fact of sharing their passions with others, and I can’t wait for the next album.
I always sign off my reviews by telling my readers to open their minds, and with Bruise this is more important than ever. The name is deceiving, but once you take that first listen, you won’t be disappointed.
∞Ashley L. Pieciak∞
Music is life. No music = No life
Educate yourself and open your mind.
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