Hey All, happy new year, I’ve come out the other side of it with not one single hang over, smug me …. No snow daaan saaf :(
For those of you who’ve been with us for a while, today (7th Jan) is the one year anniversary of Jim’s massive back opp. Yep this time last year Londons swingingest drum dandy was up to his eyeballs in morphine with half his spine in a peetry dish beside him. And if you’ve caught a gig in the last 12 months I think you’ll agree, the chap’s done great!
Niceties over with, I’ve been lax and lazy, 5 gig’s and not a single blog… so I’m going to do them all now, in one shot, fasten your seatbelts.
The British Oak (17th Nov) is basically our local, there are closer pubs to Bruise HQ but none cooler, last time I raised a glass in there Joolz Holland’s brother was rocking the house, Nice! We played all night, adding some heavy folk ballads to the repertoire specially for the land lord, and the locals loved it. Jim on electric and me playing his acoustic (thank you Mr Tealeaf! Grrrr – see Vibe Bar 15th Oct) and breaking out the Ukulele for the first time ever. Thanks to the Mish Mash lot who took many busses to get to this venue, and it was great to see Fiona and Chella grinning and grooving on table 2.
The Vibe Bar (3rd Dec) was a smash. Monday nights are not dull down there, apart from the bookish Brick lane loungers and the shouty shandy drinkers singing and dancing along I got offered £50 for the dress I was wearing. No deal.
11th December we were at The Railway in Stratford. I was really on edge for this one, last year on the 12th Dec at this very venue Jim started loosing the use of his legs and here we were, same place, almost the same day and I was waiting for the same thing. But NO, it did’nt happen. A tasty line up including Lizzy B (DJ and songwriter) thanks for the airplay Lizzie, Paul Steven Wood (Legion Seven) thanks for the request. Only 6 songs but received with massive warmth by all, particularly the Olympic Newt protection league, nice to meet you gents!
Back to Bar Sonic (15th Dec). I’m telling you this lower east side London hang is electric, Deptford houses some venues with personality plus and this is not the least among them. Bob the Bass had the flu, and YES the actual flu, the can’t get out of bed, mushroom soup’s too much work to swallow type affliction so there was no way he was playing. Jim and I did it White Stripes style, featuring my new amp, grrrowly, georgous valve assisted Laney, 12 inch speaker, made in Birmingham dontcha ya know. With that behind me and Jim spanking the skins we shook the foundations for an hour and a half of knee trembly, hip swinerly Pop. Punters and staff dancing, drinks all round sort of thing, and though it was’nt filled to the gills you lot were making enough noise to have me thinking we were down the road at the O2. Thank you.
And the last gig before Christmas was down the road at the Deptford Arms. I was blown away by this venue and this crowd, its a shabby sofa world of bohemia. Sophie and Dave opened the night with some sublime acoustic janglings, then we were up. Bob was better so we were a 3 piece again, and I bloody loved it. The new amp, the mended bass player, the voice of God (or was that Simon?) ordering a t-shirt. I’ve had a look for the set list but I can’t find it, however I’m almost certain it went like this…
The Game
Girls Best Friend
Turn me Over
The Northern Line
I don’t Like You
Masses and masses of cheering and shouts of encore, so Jim and I did an accapella version of “Little Town of Bethlehem” tee hee, and the sooty eyed hedonists turned their backs in…. no they didn’t. Jim was suitably adored by some ladies and Sophie and Lucy started a fan club for my trousers. Result!
There’s a gig on the 25th of Jan, new venue middle of London sort of thing (See listings bruisemusic.com or myspace.com/bruiseuk), it’s going to be blisteringly brilliant, make sure you’re there. Come On! X