I’d been nervous about Friday’s gig for days, my heart was pounding at the thought. For those of you not familiar with Bar Sonic, it’s small and in Deptford. You wouldn’t think it would be so daunting, the thing that was getting me was the knowledge that every face in there would be a friends. Though all of them have come to gigs at one time or another for some of them it had been quite a while, for others it was their first electric gig. The important thing to me was it actually mattered that each individual had a good night. Normally someone’s not going to get it, you can’t please everyone and I don’t expect to, that night though I wished we could.
We started with a new song “Emily” , I finger pick it and Jim comes in with driving complementary chords, it really took off. I like it when a new song feels that good first time out. Then there was a bit of fooling around. I get a bit of stick for not saying what songs are written about, I’m not being cagey I just think people would rather listen to the song than me talking about the song. It turns out I’m wrong. To test this theory I made up a couple of signs, sort of subtitles, one word descriptions saying ‘Sex’ and the other ‘Death’, this covers all bases. Once Bob joined us onstage I’d stopped holding up the cards and I was still getting asked for clarification, I’m going to remember this lesson. There was a bit of instrument swapping over the next few songs and a mood shift over the evening that ended up with dancing, not bad at all.
We played 2x45 minute sets and we had a bunch of friendly faces some singing along and we had the bar staff jumping, the landlord bought both the albums, and we all left feeling richer, or was that just me?